How It Works
Rewind is a 2+ year clinical and behavioral program that helps folks put Type 2 diabetes into remission. Delivered virtually, members work closely with a medical doctor, a registered dietitian, and a team of peers over the entire program.
The Reset Phase

What To Expect
In the first three months, called the RESET phase, you’ll meet with a member of your coaching team every month to check on your progress and review short-term goals. During this time we utilize a low calorie diet that promotes rapid weight loss (up to 15% in 90 days). We simplify the process using nutritionally complete meal replacements which simplify meal planning/options, and allow you to see your motivations and environment more clearly. And importantly, you won't be in this phase for too long!
You’ll also tackle 1-2 lessons per week that will help you understand and make the changes that will set the groundwork for your metabolic reset.
Your Biology
Metabolically, the body begins to heal; critical biomarkers such as glucose and HbA1C stabilize to normal or near-normal levels. Most Rewind members put their T2 (or pre-diabetes) into remission and eliminate or reduce medications during this 12-week phase.
The Transition Phase

What To Expect
After achieving 15% weight loss, you’ll move into the Transition phase for the next month or two (depending on your weight loss progress and goals), where we slowly dial back meal replacements and reintroduce regular food.
Over the course of 4-8 weeks you can expect gradual, managed incorporation of foods (initially as food groups!), working closely with your dietitian coach on your specific caloric limits, choices/preferences, any questions, and progress tracking.
During this phase you start to develop your plan and system to keep the weight off. Our Coaches and Physicians work with you step by step, combined with supportive tools, curriculum and team-based workshops and experiences.
While food is being introduced, members also work on activity and stress management plans to help them stabilize their eating, and manage all food-related habits.
Support from your clinical team and peer team (though the Rewind app and events) can be a great source of tips/ideas during Transition, and also help ‘normalize’ the experiences and feelings around reintroducing food.
Your Biology
Many members continue to lose some weight during the transition phase, though more slowly due to the introduction of additional calories through food.
HbA1C is tested for all members during this phase to capture the trailing 90 day difference in your metabolism; essentially to quantify the healing. Between medication reductions or overall disease remission, the transition phase begins the process of stabilizing.
The Sustain Phase

What to Expect
After you’ve fully transitioned back to regular food, you move into the weight loss maintenance phase, the longest and most important phase of the program. We know losing weight is one thing, but keeping it off is a whole other battle. We believe in science over willpower, finding the right systems and tools to continue the behaviors necessary for sustained success.
Rewind is all about the long-term. Going off insulin or putting diabetes in remission in 12 weeks feels incredible. Reaching the 1-Year Strong Medal, and then 2 year, 3 year, and 4 year markers is even more of an achievement. This is how we’ve built our team and program — to help you keep the weight off for good.
Your Dietitian Coach continues to work with you every step of the way to sustain your progress and build a system that works for you. Clinical monitoring and regular Physician access provide the best care.
And our Mentors, team workshops, even legendary Ambassadors like Desmond Howard, are encouraging and supporting you.
Your Biology
New weight set points are established by the body in this phase. Each member’s body develops new regulatory mechanisms around activity, sleep, and nutrition/calorie intake; the clinical team will provide guidance and support for each member as they figure out what works for them personally.